Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Missing Titanic submarine UpdatesMissing Titanic submarine Updates

Missing Titanic submarine Updates ~ Two days ago, A submersible Titan carrying five people lost connections and disappeared. The touring submersible went to visit the the wreckage site of the Titanic has “about 40 hours of breathable air left,” the U.S. Coast Guard said in a briefing Tuesday in Boston.

Coast Guard Capt. Jamie Frederick said rescue teams have searched 7,600 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean since Sunday, but “to date, those search efforts have not yielded any results.” More search help was on the way, including ships and a third C-130 aircraft dispatched by the Pentagon, but the effort was “an incredibly complex operation,” Frederick added.

He said that the search will continue.

Weather Conditions

Planes are also trying to get a sign of missing sub. According to current report, the weather is better today. Captain Frederick informed that improved weather conditions have made aerial search operation easier.

There are 15 knot winds and waves up to 6ft (1.83m) – and visibility is significantly better than yesterday due to the fog easing, he said.

President Biden expressed his thoughts for the crew and family members

A white house official informed that US President Joe Biden expressed his thoughts. John Kirby, a senior official, told the media that the president is watching the events closely. He also said,”We continue to, including the president, express our thoughts to the crew on board, as well as to what is no doubt worried family members back on shore.”

Important Points
There are five people on board.
They have 40 hours of air left.
British-Pakistani Businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman are on board. British Businessman and Explorer Hamish Harding is also on board. A former French Navy diver Paul -Henry Nargeolet is also on board. Fifth passenger is Stockton Rush. Rush is chief executive of OceanGate- the firm behind the dive. ~ Missing Titanic submarine Updates

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