Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Jeffrey Katzenberg’s Very Hollywood Advice for Joe BidenJeffrey Katzenberg’s Very Hollywood Advice for Joe Biden

Keyphrase: Jeffrey Katzenberg Advice For Biden ~ Jeffrey Katzenberg is thinking of a few celebrities in Hollywood when he gives Donald Trump, the country’s first president to be in his 80s, advice on how to embrace his age.

According to some involved with the discussions, the movie mogul has reportedly joined other advisers to encourage President Biden to “own” his age and make it a strength.

Katzenberg believes that if Harrison Ford, who is 80 years old, and Mick Jagger, who is 80 years old and a member of the Rolling Stones, can still play and perform well, then Joe Biden, who is also 80 years old, should embrace his age as a sign of knowledge and experience while still keeping a sense of humor about it.

The president’s long-standing and Beltway-heavy inner circle has sometimes lacked certain things, such as years of expertise in business, Hollywood narrative credentials, and a Rolodex of connections in California’s entertainment and tech sectors.

These items are examples of what are known as “credentials.” In recent months, Katzenberg has emerged as a prominent outside advisor for Biden, and he has given the items mentioned above to the president’s lengthy, Beltway-heavy inner circle. One of the things that Katzenberg has contributed is counsel along these lines.

George Clooney, an actor, recently gave an interview in which he discussed the next election campaign and said of Jeffrey, “He is determined, and the thing about Jeffrey is that there’s just no way that he takes no for an answer.” Jeffrey is going to call, and I am going to assist.

There is no doubt that Katzenberg can contact influential donors and well-known surrogates. The more critical question for Katzenberg — and Biden’s political future — is whether the 72-year-old entertainment tycoon, who has little actual campaigning experience, can assist in the resolution of the president’s more significant problems, such as his persistently low approval ratings and the lack of enthusiasm among both young and working-class voters. Katzenberg’s answer to this question will determine whether or not Biden can continue his political career.

Clooney said that the reelection campaign would be wise to pay attention to Katzenberg’s proposals on promoting the Democratic Party’s message, particularly on Biden’s age, which the actor claimed he had discussed with Katzenberg. Clooney also stated that the campaign would be sensible to pay attention to Katzenberg’s suggestions for promoting the Democratic Party’s message.

Everyone continues to rush to Hollywood for money, but George Clooney has claimed, “They don’t come to us for the one thing we do better than anyone, which is telling stories.”As a result, it’s probably a smart move that they turn to Jeffrey not just for fundraising but also for storytelling.

He has a lot of experience in both of those areas. In addition, this is a healthy development. Jeffrey is like a puppy with a bone; he won’t let go of it no matter what.

Katzenberg, who has worked in the film industry for a significant amount of time and at the executive level, has exuded an air of self-assurance throughout his career and is well-known for the forcefulness of his business practices.

He dominates the atmosphere of whatever room he enters. According to some who have had conversations with him, his self-assurance has grown to the point where it extends beyond 2024, with the firm certainty that Biden would unquestionably prevail against Donald Trump if the latter ran as the Republican nominee.

Late in April, Vice President Biden invited Katzenberg to meet at the White House to discuss the possibility of his taking the post. According to Biden’s advisers, taking the job would give him a fresh viewpoint outside of Washington, and it would come just under a day before the launch of his reelection campaign.

It was announced a day later that the co-founder of DreamWorks SKG was one of the seven national co-chairs of Biden’s 2024 campaign. He is the only one who does not hold a post that was elected.

According to individuals aware of the campaign, Katzenberg’s stance on the drive is still being formed but will likely play a significant role. He is believed to contribute up to $2 billion to the movement. He will strive to connect the drive with prominent social media, communications, and technology professionals.

Quibi, which was Katzenberg’s recent effort to engage younger audiences through social media, was unsuccessful in gaining momentum and suddenly shut down after operating for less than a year.

Republicans, still in the early stages of their primary campaign, questioned whether or not Biden’s problems could be fixed by adding another campaign adviser to a group that has gotten criticism for being too lonely. Republicans are still in the early phases of their campaign. ~ Jeffrey Katzenberg Advice For Biden

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